common mistakes in social media

Every bit entrepreneurs, such as you, we understand the thwarting of the outset month and, why not, the first year when we run across things aren't working as we had hoped. Social networks are excellent tools for your business to be successful just it tin also turn out to be a rather frustrating job if y'all don't know what you lot are doing. In today's article

Social networks are excellent tools for your business organisation to be successful only information technology can also plough out to be a rather frustrating task if you don't know what you are doing.

In today's commodity, we volition evidence you how you tin stop making the most common mistakes in social networks so y'all tin can commencement to come across incredible improvement in your business by acting on social networks. Start right this moment! HOMERO FONDO ROJOint


It is very mutual and rather disappointing to access a brand's fan page and fail to find whatsoever data about information technology. We don't know what it is about, what'south its goal, where information technology is located, whether it has a website or not, amongst other things.

It is essential for your business and for your make marketing that you complete all the information on your fan page profile. And past information, we don't merely mean the field "information" on Facebook. The following are some tips for your folio to stand out and run into as more than bonny:

  • Upload an attractive cover photo that reflects your brand's personality including a clarification of your business organisation.
  • Upload a contour film that allows people to identify your brand hands.
  • Complete the information on your profile and add the link to your website, blog or contact page.
  • Choose the right category of your business organisation and so it can be hands institute.
  • Use Facebook's applications in order to have full advantage of your fanpage and brand information technology more bonny.

Have a look at these covers: COVER FOTO PLACA


There's a popular phrase which comes in handy to brand this point: "the fact that information technology'due south common doesn't make it correct", significant that although information technology's very common for many minor and medium businesses to make their fanpage a battlefield it isn't right. It's necessary

It's necessary that as owners and administrators of your pages in social networks you know the terms and weather condition to do things right, not but considering this is the way it should be but considering Facebook might review your fanpage and "D'oh!" abolish it. Definitely

Definitely, this would hateful a much bigger trouble than simply reading the tiresome terms and weather. Be it a small or big action, such as contests and special offers, you must follow the rules.

In society to update the cover photograph and profile pic hither's the Link to Facebook so you tin do it correctly, respecting the dimensions and other characteristics you lot should accept into account so it'southward "legal". facebook_timeline_cover_size


I'm about to say something which may sound and so redundant it volition brand you laugh: social networks are social. Facebook is a synonym of friendship. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, information technology may seem obvious only information technology wasn't for many of us and for others information technology remains that way. So what'due south my point? Y'all must give your brand a personality and

Then what's my point? You must give your brand a personality and make information technology speak as merely another friend of your audience. Of course information technology'south non the same to talk to a group of architects than to a youngster who practices longboarding but beingness a brand that doesn't target someone specific (me, audience) is like to being in a conference where the lecturer speaks very low, with no rhythm and without making centre contact with the audition, zero interaction. The result? People fall asleep, they start cartoon or chatting on their jail cell phone.

Of course it'southward not the same to talk to a group of architects than to a youngster who practices longboarding just beingness a brand that doesn't target someone specific (me, audience) is similar to being in a briefing where the lecturer speaks very low, with no rhythm and without making middle contact with the audience, zero interaction. The result? People fall asleep, they starting time cartoon or chatting on their cell phone.

"Humanizing" involves incorporating values, beliefs, tastes and convictions to your brand. People aren't fans of a coffee maker but of the experience your brand provides. People enjoy relating to people they tin identify with and if you lot want them to speak virtually you

People enjoy relating to people they can identify with and if you want them to speak virtuallyyou demand to start a conversation that will be interesting for both parties. You can apply this right at present.

Utilize the proper language, speak in second person, as if it was a one-on-ane conversation while understanding who is your interlocutor and what he expects from you.

This needs to include content that'south coherent with your brand'due south personality and your business organization' strategy. These two pages are quite different. They target a very specific audience therefore their way to address their audition and the manufactures they share are related to their tastes which, without fail, results in identification. Brand Personality

John Haydon, founder of Entering Zombie very clearly comments:

"Call up most how you personally use Facebook, then inquire yourself the following question: "When was the final time I opened Facebook to: 1- Make a purchase or donation? 2- Find out nearly the latest trends of a brand? 3- Contact my friends and see what they are upward to? If yous are like about people you rarely exercise #one and #two and you e'er do #3"

It is paramount for a brand to ascertain carefully its personality, constitute an excellent advice with its fans and come up with specific and adequate content for its audience.

four. You lot Practise NOT POST REGULARLY

This has probably happened to you, you access a company's fanpage and detect that the last time they posted something was iii months ago or fifteen days agone. This already means enough oversight for social networks nowadays. Not only does this create a very very very bad impression just it is proof that non even the page administrator is interested in information technology. Being in

Being in social networks entails a daily commitment both to your brand and your fans. It is a task that takes time and effort although, luckily, now

It is a task that takes fourth dimension and endeavour although, luckily, now are several tools that get in easier. Everything yous do and everything you FAIL to exercise volition be exposed to your audition and this has a strong bear on. Yous don't need to exist looking for content and uploading it every single 24-hour interval, 8 hours a twenty-four hours.


For many of you what we're suggesting may non make a lot of sense but if you analyze what we take analyzed information technology really is a very logical point. Why practice it?

Firstly we need to consider that not all your fans are online at the same time, which is why if we simply upload our mail one time it will only be seen by those online at that moment. People'south habits vary and we need to embrace all possibilities.

Another point: your postal service isn't ever shown in the news section of 100% of your fans. This role of the new algorithm is a tad complicated but what you need to know is that if yous desire everyone to see what you have to say uploading it only once is not going to cut it.

We can accept as an example 2 important news networks such as ESPN or CNN, which are constantly posting the aforementioned information within the same day then they tin reach all of their audition.

So nosotros recommend you lot publish the aforementioned mail several times, you could perform small changes in the title or change the picture in a way while maintaining the same content.

This way, non just will you discover out what version of the aforementioned postal service is all-time received simply, even without making any changes, you lot will also be able to get many more likes, engagement and of course, more traffic. Below we will show y'all a graphic created by Guy Kawasaki (a legend of social networks) where he shares how he makes the virtually of this action in order to avoid losing traffic: guy-kawasaki-tweet-graph

  • 1st post: 739 clicks
  • 2nd post: 718 clicks
  • 3rd postal service: 565 clicks

If he had only posted information technology one time he would only have gotten 739 clicks in contrast to the 2022 clicks he got from posting it iii times. Give it a effort and make the most of each content yous prepare for your followers! We suggest you use a tool to

We suggest you use a tool to programme posts in social networks such every bit Postcron to repeat the aforementioned post in dissimilar schedules and days. During the first week, postal service at to the lowest degree three times the aforementioned post, if possible with unlike titles; if the content can be reposted (for example: guides, tutorials, etc) repost information technology at to the lowest degree once a month. This is an excellent way to take full advantage of your contents!


Let's see, this scenario is very mutual because it isn't at all easy to create content, but if you utilize and apply correctly whatever it is you take, even if it'south non perfect, you will see better results in the summary of your statistics in social networks. At present we'll share with you some tips and statistics that volition help you brand the conclusion to implement this right this very moment:

    • Photo posts account for 39% more interaction than any other mail.


    • Photo posts get 104% more comments and 53% more likes.

104 53

    • Photograph posts get 93% more appointment.


    • Text Posts with less than 250 characters go 66% more than appointment.


    • This is no child's play. Have your posts include emoticons and you will go 57% more likes. According to AMEX Open up Forum Infographic:


Don't condone these figures simply remember social networks are social. You are edifice a friendship with your followers and you demand to upload things that are useful for them, things that they are interested in beyond your product or service.

There'southward no question everything you practise must contribute to your business organisation but when it comes to social networks you must go beyond what involves your business concern. Even if you have a await at our Facebook you will find that several of our posts discuss happiness and freedom. We know our followers and we know well-nigh of them are entrepreneurs, and those lucky plenty to be so, dear liberty, seek to be happy and take chances in gild to achieve that. That's why we likewise post articles that inspire and assistance in every-24-hour interval tasks.


This bespeak is closely related to the previous one considering nosotros discuss doing things and so your audience will want to follow you.

Besides having a brand with an attractive prototype and a consequent, coherent discourse that'southward audition-oriented information technology is necessary to come up upwardly with actions that encourage your audience to visit your website because they experience they are getting something out of your brand, fifty-fifty if they are not getting any gifts.

    • Provide information about your new products or the latest matter in the marketplace and how YOU have that especially for them.
    • Share with your fans information that can improve their quality of life or their work.
    • Make your fans feel special. Reply promptly to their questions. They need to perceive yous are reading them and that you are interested in their concerns. This makes a big difference and causes yous to stand up out amidst other brands.


We believe that, equally well equally the previous points, this is a very logical point merely sometimes we forget to put ourselves in the user's shoes, to think every bit a user and fan in order to rethink this and many other mistakes. Accessing a fanpage and realizing the only thing they publish are posts related to the brand, their products, the prices, the measurements, the payment methods, the dissimilar models, etc. is boring! This is necessary but it cannot be the ONLY thing you publish. For that purpose nosotros take Ebay, Mercadolibre, Amazon and other online sales websites. Correct?

Accessing a fanpage and realizing the only affair they publish are posts related to the brand, their products, the prices, the measurements, the payment methods, the different models, etc. is boring! This is necessary but it cannot be the ONLY thing you publish. For that purpose, we have Ebay, Mercadolibre, Amazon and other online sales websites. Right?

Information technology's non very pleasant to be around people that only talk about themselves and that don't care almost you, that can't be bothered to ask about your life or your family unit. We tend to avoid people who are all about "me me me me". Well, the same affair happens in social networks. Actually, in this case your fans come up offset and then your business organization.

First you must create the infinite, the community, the trust, the loyalty and and so comes the sale. We sympathise that information technology is your business and that you need money only when it comes to social networks you need a lot of patience.

In order to avoid coming across every bit a desperate salesperson complete your fanpage with posts related to the habits and lifestyle of your users and what they consume besides your make. You must pamper your audition, listen to them, ask them their opinion. It is your job to establish the basis of a friendship and so that, later on, the rest of your marketing and company's objectives are accomplished.

In club to avoid coming beyond as a drastic salesperson complete your fanpage with posts related to the habits and lifestyle of your users and what they consume besides your brand. You must pamper your audience, listen to them, ask them their stance. Information technology is your job to establish the ground of a friendship so that, afterwards, the rest of your marketing and visitor's objectives are accomplished. NoAf has a small customs in Facebook only they are doing things very well so it wouldn't exist a surprise if they grow a lot in a short fourth dimension. Big brands as well set the example: pirelli no af nikon


This signal is essential to reinforce the relationship with your fans. If someone went through the trouble of writing an enquiry or a complaint well-nigh something, please reply. We can't emphasize enough the importance of both positive feedback and negative feedback.

You will acquire so much from it in order to improve the quality of your products or services and you will also make your followers feel you are genuinely interested in them. All of this scores points for your brand's paradigm.


When starting this trip in social networks many people desire to be role of all of them. They create a Youtube channel, a profile on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, Vine, etc, etc, etc. Only honestly it will practise yous no skillful if you cannot sustain it throughout fourth dimension.

Nosotros suggest y'all offset with ane, maybe two, and once y'all are an skillful handling them so yous can widen your scope to other social networks.

10. You lot WANT TO Command ALL METRICS

The aforementioned thing as in the previous point applies here.

Try to larn and sympathise some metrics, those you call up are truly important for your website to take off and become established. In example you are taking your first steps in social networks we go out you lot two Facebook links for you to acquire more about metrics and statistics you can admission to. Information and guide to program reports. Stats


  1. Upload an bonny cover photo and contour picture that represent your brand. Complete all the information fields in your profile.
  2. Don't jeopardize your page and business. Read the terms and conditions earlier performing whatever action.
  3. Ascertain a personality and discourse for your make. Humanize it and call back social networks are social.
  4. Share content on a daily basis.
  5. Share the same mail service several times even in the same day at different times. Yous volition become more than visibility and you won't lose traffic.
  6. Remember your content needs to follow the latest trends: using pictures and writing short text, in order to go more likes, shares and engagement. Everything's related to your audience. Don't forget that particular.
  7. Cover a demand. Offer your followers incentives even if this doesn't imply giving away something. Don't avoid criticism. You must ever reply your followers, whether they are enquiries, adept feedback or criticisms.
  8. Recollect sales or your business organization' success will depend on or be a consequence of having created and secured the relationship with your community. You lot must build a relationship with your followers. You will attain the balance of your objectives once you tin secure your place in social networks.
  9. Remember it's better to specialize in one or two social networks rather than in several which volition be neglected. Commencement with Facebook and employ a tool to program your posts in order to brand your task easier.
  10. Choose simply some metrics to command. Get to know them and work on those ones earlier moving on to others.

What other mistakes do you recollect are near common? Share your stance with us!
