Is Being Pregnant a Medical Condition for Travel Insurance

Congratulations! The countdown is on until you welcome your trivial bundle of joy into the world! Simply, there's still a lot to practice betwixt now and then. Maybe you still need to travel for work, or maybe y'all want to caput on a babymoon to celebrate the approving in your belly?

Whatever the case, you should always consider travel insurance. But, how does your pregnancy affect your cover?

The big question: Tin y'all get insured when significant?

The proficient news is that you aren't expressly barred from getting travel insurance if you're pregnant, depending on how far along you are. Some insurers may just demand a notation from your doctor before they sign you up for embrace. This is by and large fine because you should encounter your doc earlier you travel regardless, to make sure information technology's safe to practise so. Some insurance companies will cover pregnancies up to 30 weeks gestations (if you lot meet certain conditions), while other insurance providers will only offer encompass up to 23 weeks gestation.

When it comes to travel insurance, pregnancy is considered a pre-existing condition if you lot (the insured) are significant when you take out your policy. So, if you want to make sure yous and your babe bump are covered, you'll need to buy a travel insurance plan with coverage for pre-existing conditionsor upgrade your policy so that you can go coverage for your pregnancy.

a mother lifting her child up in the air

Do I need travel insurance for my pregnancy?

Travel insurance is designed to provide financial protection for when things don't go quite every bit planned on your trip, like a medical emergency or travel delay.

Travelling while pregnant can come with added risks, not to mention stress. That's why information technology'due south important y'all take out a travel insurance policy that will cover yous and your unborn babe confronting the unexpected and give you peace of mind.

What should a travel insurance policy for pregnancy include?

Typically, travel insurance for pregnancy volition include cover for:

  • unexpected pregnancy-related complications up to the third trimester
  • overseas emergency medical and hospital expenses if yous suffer from an unexpected disease, complexity or serious injury related to your pregnancy
  • trip cancellations if your doctor advises you're non fit to travel because of complications or the risk of childbirth
  • 24-hour travel aid.

Travel insurance for pregnancy offers the same benefits as whatsoever other travel insurance including embrace for medical emergencies, trip delays or cancellations, lost luggage or personal items, theft and rental car excess.

As with whatsoever travel insurance production, the level of cover for pregnancy will vary between insurers and policies. And then, earlier you make a decision, read through the terms and conditions.

Travel insurance and pregnancy: Exclusions and what to watch out for

Information technology's important to remember that travel insurance policies come up with exclusions and that encompass for pregnancy comes with conditions. Equally such, it's crucial you sympathise what you are and aren't covered for earlier you purchase a policy. As a full general rule, you may non get cover for your pregnancy on your travel insurance if:

  • you conceived through an assisted reproduction plan
  • y'all demand to claim for expenses related to childbirth or the healthcare of a newborn
  • your doctor advised you lot not to travel
  • you're having multiple babies
  • y'all're planning to travel after your 'maximum weeks of pregnancy permitted' (typically during the third trimester, but this will vary past insurer)
  • yous've experienced complications with your pregnancy (including prior miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, or premature labour)
  • routine doctor appointments for your pregnancy.

Carefully read through any Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) before signing upwardly to a policy to decide what you're covered for. Similarly, check with your airline/cruise operator to ensure they don't have their ain restrictions on meaning women flying or sailing.

Trimesters versus travel suitability

First trimester (i.e. the first 12 weeks)

The first 12 weeks of your pregnancy are crucial for bub'due south development, and you'll cease it with a maternal blood test and an ultrasound. While it'southward typically a safe enough time to travel, y'all may be experiencing some regular morning sickness during this trimester. Considering of this, you may want to consider scheduling any trips after the 12th calendar week.

Key developments:

  • Six weeks. Your baby is an embryo and is roughly three millimetres alpine.
  • Seven weeks. The heart is beating!
  • ten weeks. Your infant (now a fetus) is at present 2.5cm tall, has all its bodily organs, and has brain waves.

Second trimester (i.due east. 12-24 weeks)

Now is a great time to take a babymoon, because the 2d trimester is the safest fourth dimension for y'all travel (then long as you're non experiencing whatsoever complications). Consult your md before you make any travel arrangements, as they volition be able to give you the best advice for your situation.

Key developments:

  • 13 weeks. Your infant has near tripled in size to seven centimetres in length and is pond in the womb.
  • 16 weeks. Your baby has eyelashes, eyebrows and taste buds.
  • 18-20 weeks. An ultrasound tin can now discern the sex activity of your baby.

Third trimester (i.e. week 24 and across)

Some airlines may non let you lot fly if you're far into your third trimester, or if the flying fourth dimension exceeds a certain length ( thousand. four hours). Even if they do allow you lot to fly, you lot may withal demand to produce a note from your dr..

Fundamental developments:

  • 32 weeks. Your infant is probably asleep about of the time (behaviour they'll no doubt echo as teenagers). In grooming for the birth, it'll probable accept its caput down.
  • 36 weeks. The baby is now probable to be about 46cm alpine and has an excellent take chances for survival if born at present.
  • 40 weeks. It's time for the baby to be born. Skilful luck, mum!

What to be aware of when travelling while pregnant

Yous should be wary of travelling to developing nations with poor healthcare infrastructure and be aware that it's non recommended you lot be vaccinated with any live viruses (due east.g. measles shots). The influenza vaccine, however, is considered safe (and of import) to take.

Next, you'll demand to look for family insurance policies! This type of embrace protects everyone in the family, your spouse, dependent children and yourself, under one policy which has college cover limits for the number of travellers covered.

Three top travel tips for pregnant women

a little girl kissing her mother's pregnant belly

1. Research your destination

Be informed rather than sorry. Await up any healthcare facilities near your adaptation in case of an emergency and take a copy of your medical records with yous. The Australian government maintains travel advisories for over 170 destinations on Smartraveller.

Go familiar with all the do'southward and don'ts of your destination and pay detail attending to foods, drinks and activities that you should avert when significant. If you're travelling to a developing land, be especially careful of travellers' diarrhoea, which is caused by consuming contaminated nutrient or h2o.

ii. Make certain your vaccinations are up to engagement

As a pregnant woman, yous could exist at run a risk of serious complications if yous contract a certain virus or communicable diseases. There'southward a take chances y'all and your unborn baby might exist exposed to foreign maladies overseas, especially if you're travelling to an exotic destination or developing country.

So, make sure you've received all you lot travel immunisations before you depart. Some vaccines are not suitable for pregnant women, and then chat with your doctor or nurse about your options before you lot go.

3. Reduce the hazard of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

When flight, many people can experience mild air travel symptoms like fluid retention, nasal congestion, fatigue and dehydration.

If you're pregnant, you may likewise be at higher risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT). DVT occurs when a blood clot forms in a deep vein of your leg (ordinarily) and can be fatal if information technology lodges in your lungs or heart. To reduce the risk of a DVT, y'all should:

  • wear graduated elastic pinch stockings
  • habiliment light, loose clothing and comfortable shoes
  • get up from your seat regularly and walk around the plane
  • stay well-hydrated
  • exercise in-seat exercises every one-half hour (ask your airline for information on this).

Compare travel insurance for pregnancy

Looking for travel insurance that will comprehend y'all and your bump? Find a great policy with our free comparison tool, which allows you to compare several travel insurance options from leading insurers side-by-side in merely minutes. Simples!

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